Historical Benchmark Reports
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Benchmark results can be accessed for free for all Resly customers who contribute to the program
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Only aggregated results are published
Automated processes allow for very efficient data collection and analysis which means you receive the results faster and on a regular basis
Easy to sign up.
Click on the Caatz Benchmark app in the Resly integrations board
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What is Benchmark
This is the go.....
Benchmark is a partnership between Caatz Management Rights Accountants and Resly. It is software that has been specifically designed for the Management Rights and Short-Term Rentals industry to help managers answer the following questions:
What do other holiday letting businesses charge for cleaning, direct bookings and maintenance?
What are the average fees and charges across the industry?
How does my holiday letting business compare to others?
It gives you the data to back up your decisions regarding setting fees and charges with owners.
Rather than completing a survey, Benchmark uses real-time data from Resly and aggregates key metrics.
Results and reports are available for free to all Resly customers who agree to include their business in the aggregated data.
All data provided to Benchmark is white labelled. This protects the privacy of your business, owners and guests.
To sign up click on the Caatz Benchmark app in the Resly integrations board.
Please contact us if you have any questions.